No, but really.

Yes, my life is a little odder than most folks'.
I don't know what causes it, but I skirt the edge of reality when it comes to dealing with the real world.
It all started when I turned eighteen and became a real person.

I. Young and not so innocent.

1992 1993 1994
Graduated from Arts Magnet.
Lived with Mom and Dad.
Worked for Dallas Children's Theatre.
Had a Subaru for a while.
Fought with Jesus-Freaks.
Cleaned up a real mess.
Got stuck in Amway.
Worked at UPS.
Mom and Dad had their 25th.

II. Getting there, one way or another....

1995 1996 1997
Moved out of my parents' and in with Bea.
Moved in with Cris.
Worked at a bookstore.
Fought with Cris.
Broke up with Cris.
Got in fights.
Told stupid stories.
Quit the bookstore.
Started working at Stream.
Got my own place (finally).
Explained the Quabbalah to someone.
Dated and broke up with Zack.
Went to a funeral.
My Ford Taurus tried to KILL me.
Got an Oldsmobile.
Discoved how incestious Dallas is.
Quit Stream and worked at AT&T with Phil.
Phil bought a BMW.

III. I'm not going down alone.

1998 1999 2000
Lived with more morons.
Worked at Software Spectrum.
Helped someone clean a house.
Went to another funeral.
Did wierd things with Phil.
REALLY wierd things.
Won my lawsuit.
Phil asked me to marry him.
I said yes.
Quit Software Spectrum and started at Compucom.
Got another bad roommate.
Gavin and Monique moved in
Brought in the new year.
Quit Compucom and started at Ascendant Solutions.
I got a cat. I got a goddamned cat.
Left Ascendant Solutions.
Got another roomate.

IV. Life in the new milleniumn.

2001 2002 2003
Stayed unemployed for far too long.
My day as a 7-11 employee.
Worked at the Dallas Morning News.
My life as a bill collector.
Went to Houston for a job.
My thoughts on Houston
Saw an accident
Did something egalitarian--Took the train
Got another cat
Why I don't keep a blog
Edgar goes to the vet
Why EPT is a crappy property company
Fun with Live Journal!

Send comments to: mila(dot)eighteen(at)gmail(dot)com

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Suggested Reading:

So beautiful it makes me cry

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